marina del rey

The Peninsula Post: Ever Wonder About that Fence?


If you’ve ever been curious about that large fenced area on the beach just north of the jetty in the MDR Peninsula, you’re not alone.

While working with a client to buy a beach front condo at Voyage St. he asked us what the big idea was. Was it a toxic dump? Should he be concerned?

The answer is, no! It’s actually doing a whole lot of good to protect the endangered least tern bird that lays its eggs in shallow sand. The bird lays its eggs in April and May in shallow impressions in the sand. Their eggs are sand colored and prone to being destroyed by beach goers, dogs, cats even.

In breeding plumage, the least tern has a broad white forehead framed by a black crown and a black line running from the crown through the eye to the base of the bill. The mantle and the short forked tail are pearl-gray.

Hopefully the goofy hat doesn’t scare the birds away!

Hopefully the goofy hat doesn’t scare the birds away!

Ocean water quality update - Marina del Rey Peninsula

Bumped into a friend on the peninsula and we decided we were long overdue for a swim together now that the sun was finally rearing his face. But then my buddy said that the water was dookie status and we should wait… or so advised a doctor that lives on his street.

I did some further digging, as it takes a lot to keep me out of the ocean. Yes, there was a major sewage spill in July at the Hyperion plant, (ewww!), but according to Heal the Bay, the Peninsula is OK at the moment, though they recommend steering clear of swimming close the the Santa Monica pier where it’s an “F.” Gross!

Also, here’s a live map of water quality from LA Public Health. And the beach report card is also a great resource for updates.

Holler at me if you’d like a partner to take a dip with. Just remember to shuffle your feet as you go out in the shallow water. It scares off the sting rays and lets them know you’re coming. And TRUST, you do not want spike on your foot.

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